New car market in Russia: May, 2013 figures are released

New car market in Russia: May, 2013 figures are released

According to the AEB Automobile Manufacturers Committee (AEB AMC), May 2013 saw the decrease in sales of new cars and light commercial vehicles in Russia by 12% in comparison to the same period in 2012. This May 229.670 units were sold; this is 31.791 units less than in April, 2012.

Top 10 brands in May, 2013
Lada: 38,025 units
Renault: 18,576 units
Kia: 17,302 units
Hyundai: 16,005 units
Volkswagen: 14,517 units (including VW NFZ)
Toyota: 13,708 units
Chevrolet: 12,856 units
Nissan: 10,503 units
Ford: 9,153 units
Skoda: 7,631 units

Detailed press release is available on the AEBRus website.

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According to a recent report by AEB there were 229,670 new passenger cars and LCVs sold in Russia during April, 2013